Friday, April 18, 2008

10,000 B.C.

10,000 B.C.
8 out of 10

I went to go see this movie with my sister and my dad, instead of going to some overly expensive horrible restaurant with my cousins. That was their loss. This was a good movie. Now, the graphics were nothing special and the acting was average. But it was just one of those movies you had to like. The plot was not historical in any means, but no one ever said this was a historical based film. It's just a movie.

The story is about a small prehistoric tribe that gets invaded by more civilized areas of the world. The main character's love of his life is taken from him and he has to venture across new lands to save her and a bunch of other people. Along the way, he joins up with other tribes who have had the same thing happen to them as he has. They all get together and take down Egypt.

Like I said: It's not supposed to be accurate, but a good story.

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