Friday, April 18, 2008

Maximum Ride: Final Warning

Maximum Ride: Final Warning
3 out of 10

I went to Barns&Nobles the day this book came out, expecting it to end. I guess "Final Warning" is just not a good name for a book that doesn't end a series. It's was almost liked he tried too hard just to write another so he could make it a series. I mean, how many times does Max have to save the world for these books to be over?! She shouldn't be portrayed as a super hero. I barely wanted to finish it. It was like an environmentalist threw up and it became a book.

This one is about how the crew decides to be all against global warming and goes to Antarctica. There, they are kidnapped and managed to escape because of a hurricane. That is caused by global warming? Come on! That's the cheesiest 200 pages I've ever read.

Take my advice and don't waste your time or money! It's not worth it! And this book just reveals that he wants to make it a big long series. That makes it stupid. End of discussion!

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